Sunday, October 26, 2008


It seems that religions are as widespread in their doctrines as political ideas. There are so many philosophies and theories out there. Take, for instance, repentance. There are those on one side, lets call them the Republichristians, that believe repentance should be hard, that there should be real punishment, and that the sin should follow you forever. Then there are the Demochristians who believe all you have to do is say one prayer and that you never have to worry about what you do ever again.

I'm more of a Moderachristian. I believe sin is real and wrong. But I also believe in repentance. When you've acknowledged your sins, felt real guilt, apologized to God (and anyone you may have wronged), asked for forgiveness, and tried to eliminate the incorrect behavior in your life, then that should be it. These things shouldn't come back to haunt you. If it's good enough for God, it should be good enough for everyone.

This is especially poignant in politics. When you try to run for a political office, your opponents will dig into your past as far as they can to find something that you may have done years ago to derail you. It doesn't matter how much you've done to overcome your wrong, that "sin" will stick.

Sometimes you see this even among the religious. Someone sins, they repent, but those around them can never forgive them for real or imagined wrongs. Didn't God tell us that it is required for us to forgive? Be careful of your judgements because with that same judgement you'll be judged?

I know that actions and words can't be taken back, but people change. And people make mistakes. And when we're looking to criticize, we should be looking at ourselves and asking if we've ever made a mistake. Like they say, those who live in glass houses should change in the basement. Or something.

Okay, that's all I've got. Except that I need to remind people that when they're saying a prayer in an English speaking congregation, they should do it in English. I'm sure it was a nice prayer, but I couldn't understand it. I still love you, but talk to me in English :)

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