Thursday, October 23, 2008

Bother and Damn

It seems every time one thing gets fixed in this house, another thing pops up. My step-dad came over and fixed the section of roof that was leaking into our bathroom. We got two inches of rain yesterday and not one drip into the bathroom.

So I go downstairs today to throw in some laundry and what do I see? A pool of water sitting on our washing machine. Where did this water come from? Well, considering the pipe that goes from the toilet and out of the house is wet, the floorboard the toilet is sitting on is soaked and turning green. So it looks like my toilet is leaking whenever we flush. Ew!

Yet another problem in the house that I'm not manly enough to fix (without making it much, much worse.)

Emily, can you call Dale and see if he'll look at it?

And we're out of body wash.


Rhia Jean said...

Don't you just want to smack those people who told you owning your own home was the best thing in the world? Sometimes I do...

Emily Anne said...

Don't fret Matty. We will get it fixed before the toilet falls into our basement (I hope)!

Alison said...

I'm going to think twice before leaping into home ownership.