Monday, May 26, 2008


This is our soda (and one water) find so far on our vacation.

First is IBC Cherry Limeade. Pretty good, but IBC usually is.

Second is Swedish Kristall Black Currant. Tastes like a watered down,
carbonated prune juice.

Third is Natural Brew Draft Root Beer. Haven't tasted it yet, but I
love root beer.

Fourth is Virgil's Black Cherry Cream Soda. It's lighter on the
stomach than red cream soda, with wonderful black cherry flavor.

Fifth is Dry Rhubarb Soda. It's advertised as refreshingly tart and
complex. If by "refreshingly tart and complex" they mean "just like
ass", then they hit it right on the head. Not that I know what ass
tastes like. I'm just sayin'.

Six is water, and the only beverage in the picture not in a glass
bottle. It's called Metromint Orangemint Water. It tastes like I just
swallowed orange flavored toothpaste with fresh water. Not a bad
sensation actually.

Seven is Coca-Cola, bottled in Mexico. It is made with real sugar
instead of high fructose corn syrup, and about the only Coca-Cola I've
actually liked. We got it at a small Mexican restaurant near the Omaha
Zoo. The food was good too.

Eight is Reed's Spiced Apple Brew. I haven't had it before, but the
cashier said it was awesome.

And last but not least, number nine is Virgil's Root Beer, which I've
had before. Very good. It folows the rule that soda should be in a
glass bottle, and that it should be micro brewed.

For the record, numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 9 are from Whole Foods
supermarket, which might have to be my favorite sofa supplier from now
on. Sorry World Market, you've let me down too often.


Alison said...

Hum . . . your soda odesseys are quite inspiring. Maybe that can be a project for me this summer.

Rhia Jean said...

Your favorite sofa supplier? Hmmm...who knew that Whole Foods sold sofas? I'm sorry, I'm just laughing so hard at that! What a supremely ingenious typo Matt! Maybe Alison and I can team up for the Summer Soda (or sofa :) Project.

Matthew Ware said...

Rhia: either one will work.

Alison: it's a project that is actually fun.

And typing on the phone can lead to some fun typos :) It's strange to be back on a computer with a whole, real keyboard.