Thursday, July 26, 2007

In Which I Eat My Words

And boy, are they tasty.

SPOILER WARNING: If you haven't read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and wish to, don't read this post.

So, here is where I was wrong:

Snape wasn't evil. In fact, he was so unevil, at the end, Harry tells us that he was one of the bravest persons he knew.

Neville. Yeah, he was willing to die. He did things in the last book that should have gotten himself killed. But I'm glad he survived. He really became the hero in this one.

Mr. Weasley lived. Though, JK Rowling said that he was going to die, but got a last minute reprieve. I like that he lived because I don't think Mrs. Weasley would have been able to go on without him.

Hagrid. I figured he'd go because he would interfere with Harry facing Voldemort alone. I'm glad I was wrong. Hagrid, like Harry, was an orphan and had a crappy life. Hopefully now both can be happy.

Lupin and Tonks died. Very sad. I think they died so Harry could become a father to their kid, the way Sirius became a father figure to Harry.

Snape a vampire. I still think there's something there. Maybe he's just an animagus, but I'm told he's definitely not a vampire.

I said that Ginny would show up and help on Harry's quest. I was wrong, she stayed at Hogwarts. but when the battle happened, she participated, against Harry's will. I'm really glad she survived.

Neville didn't kill Bellatrix, but he killed the snake. That's something. Mrs. Weasley calling her a bitch when she tried to kill Ginny, then going on to kill her, was awesome.

Dumbledore's picture. I said Harry wouldn't get anything out of it, which was technically true. Though it seems Dumbledore could continue to give orders to Snape from it. And he got good advice at the end concerning the Deathly Hallows.

Nope, no unbreakable vow.

I was wrong, Harry was a horcrux.

Snape was following orders when he killed Dumbledore.

My wild theory was wrong.

Hermione didn't tutor Harry. Harry knew what he needed to know. He learned on his own.

Okay, that's it. I was right about everything else :) (If that leaves anything else.)

1 comment:

Emily Anne said...

I like that you were wrong. It helps you to be humble :) Hey, if it makes you feel better, i'm always wrong.