Thursday, July 26, 2007

Looking for an agent

I've been looking for an agent for a month or so now, I've sent out 59 query letters, and finally on Tuesday I got a hit. An agent sent a request for the full manuscript.

(Said agent will go unnamed for now to prevent embarrassment just in case the manuscript totally SUCKS. You don't want to embarrass people that might end up representing you.)

So yesterday I sent the manuscript and I get to play the wonderful game of waiting. I posted on a writer's forum the reasons this agent may have requested the manuscript. Here they are:

1. The story is awesome and he will offer a contract as soon as he reads it.
2. He was drunk. Very, very, drunk.
3. He was feeling sorry for all the rejection letters sent out recently, and thought he would send a grain of hope my way.
4. God softened his heart to give me hope so I don't give up.
5. He sent the request for the manuscript to the wrong person.

One of the responses I received in the forum was this:

If its any consolation, I think your reason # 1 is the most likely. Followed by #2, but that's a distant second.

I'm a little nervous, and I'm checking my email constantly (though it took me three days to finish Harry Potter, and that was reading fast). I have no idea it will take to hear back. Often you get rejected within the first five pages or so, so the longer it takes to hear something, the better. Possibly. So here I go, obsessing, until I hear something.

On a side note, I finished the first draft on the first book in another series. So, while obsessing, I can work on editing that one.

1 comment:

Emily Anne said...

I think that he was definatley very drunk when asking for your book. However, I happen to think your book is awsome, so maybe he just loves it and we will become very rich very soon. Wouldn't that be nice?