Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Waiting Game

Something to get out of the way first:
Yes, I am very politically minded. But I try to keep most of my OPINIONS out of my writing. Sure, a character might have an aversion to sex or alcohol, but that's my opinion, and I try to make that clear. My last post about immigration is only opinion. Now, let me get back to more important things, my writing.

So, I read on, Justine Larbalestier's blog, that one of the worst things about writing is the waiting. I can handle publishers rejecting me, but I wish they'd do it a little faster. And I completely understand how busy they are. I've heard that the longer someone takes, the more likely they're interested. And I haven't even been waiting that long. I started querying agents on June 8th. That was thirteen days ago, not even two weeks, and I'm getting impatient.

The worst part, even if I get an agent, and even if they sell my work, it'll be at least a YEAR before it hits the shelves. They I have to wait to see if it does well. **Sigh**

Thirteen days isn't long compared to everything else. Heck, it took me a year and a half to write the darned book.

So, I queried 30 agents. Of those, I have heard nine. So, about a third. I'm waiting to hear from the rest (or most of the rest) before I start another round of queries. Those will be sent to children's agents (since technically my book could fall into that category, even though its closer to young adult).

But in the meantime, writing continues on my new novel, one about ghost hunting. It's very cool so far (at least I think so) and I'm excited. I'm about 20,000 words into it, and I plan on it hitting 100,000 or less (though things can always significantly change). So, I guess that puts me a fifth through. With all I learned on the first book, maybe I can start cranking them out faster and faster.

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