Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Stupid things I do

I've decided to start using my alarm clock again. I know you people out there who depend on the screeching, red-eyed, box of death will hate me for not having to use it everyday. My work schedule is that I go to work at 4:30 pm Monday, Thursday, and Friday, and at 2:30 pm on Saturday and Sunday. This means that the only day I have to use it is on Sunday so I get to church on time (12:30 pm). I started to use the clock because if I don't have to get up before noon, I won't. I really feels that wastes my day. So, I try to set the clock for about nine hours after I go to bed (so, in bed at 2 am means up by 11). I feel I can get more housework and writing done if I do that. And I feel better about the day.

I've been wearing my sleep mask for about five months and have gotten to the point where I keep it on most of the night. I've really noticed the difference. I have to admit that when I first got it, I'd wake so refreshed that I'd run a marathon everyday. Not so much. The difference between when I keep it on all night and when I take it off is this: when it doesn't stay on, I feel run down, weary, and exhausted all day. It's like I've already been up twelve hours. When it does stay on, I feel almost normal, or what normal should feel like. I feel happy and rested and able to do basic tasks, like walk around the house or make lunch.

Our Kansas City temple will be in the Shoal Creek area. For those who don't know, that's north of the Missouri (across from Jackson County) just west of Liberty. It's a nice little northland community right off the state highway. If I had to pick a good place for a temple that wouldn't freak out the Utah-Mormons, that's where I'd put it.

I watched the debate last night and thought it was interesting. I also thought it was silly that people are saying that John McCain lost. I felt that his answers were more heart felt and conversational, and that he spoke with passion. I felt Obama was stuttering and trying to come up with the right answer, not what he believed. The Experts Who Know said McCain lost because nothing happened to make Obama lok really bad, even though McCain was better on substance and style. The first debate was awarded to Obama too. The actual decision by the Experts Who Know was that it was a tie, but because Obama isn't as good on foreign policy, he won. What? If he's not as good on foreign policy, maybe he should lose by default. That's like saying two football teams play each other and end the game with a tie. Then the officials decide that one team wasn't as good, so they win because they weren't expected to do as well. That's not the way it works. But it's good we actually get to vote, and the Experts Who Know (who predicted both Al Gore and John Kerry to win) will have to eat their words.

We went to Half-Price Books last night before celebrating our anniversary at Cinzetti's and bought six new books. Yeah, we're addicted. But at least it's a healthy addiction.


Alison said...

You're right, I DO hate you for having to use an alarm. :P

Rhia Jean said...

If I could smash my alarm clock into a million tiny pieces I would. At least I try to every morning but it never works...