Thursday, September 18, 2008

Last night I met Alice Cullen

Last night I had a dream about Alice Cullen. The details are pretty hazy, but I think we were in some sort of diner. She wasn't eating, of course. Like most dreams, when you wake up most of what actually happened dissolves pretty quick, leaving only impressions. So these are my impressions.

Alice is just as nice as you'd think she'd be.

Alice is just as attractive as you'd think she'd be.

I figure a lot of people probably dream about what they read, but I don't seem to. In fact, I rarely remember dreams and they usually involve people I know in person. Except those dreams I have of Rhia hating me (okay, I finally had one where you liked me, Rhia :)

As many times as I've read the Harry Potter novels, I think I've only had one dream in that world. And It's been a few weeks since I finished the Midnight Sun excerpt. Maybe my brain is just that far behind on filing away information.

So do any of my readers have dreams about fictional characters?

Oh, and is Stephenie Meyer working on anything else? I know she was working on Midnight Sun, but I wonder if she's working on anything else. I really liked The Host, but that didn't seem to be a novel that would inspire sequels.


Emily Anne said...

I don't remember ever having a dream involving a character from a book. As a matter of fact, I rarely remember my dreams. If I do remember my dreams, they are usually scary and Stephen King induced. Sorry honey.

Alison said...

The Host is going to be turned into a series. And she's got a lot of other ideas, but I can't remember her saying she was going to be producing anything anytime soon after Midnight Sun. Sadness.

Matthew Ware said...

Oh, I'm glad The Host will be a series. I really like the way she wrote scifi. It's like Orson Scott Card's (another LDS writer) scifi where the science is the magic and the character is the most important part of the story. I dislike scifi that's all about the science and forgets the character relations.

Rhia Jean said...

I used to have world calamity dreams after reading Harry Potter, but that hasn't happened since last summer. Other than that, no, I don't dream about least I don't think I do.