Thursday, September 11, 2008

The evils of Seseme Street

When you have a young child at home and wish him to self-entertain for a while, and especially if you don't have cable, you turn on PBS. I have to tell you, there's some things I've noticed about that show that I just dislike. I don't remember it being this way as a kid. I watched all the time, I even learned how to whistle and count to ten with that show. But it's changed. Seseme Street has become a darker place.

First off: Elmo. I cannot stand that kids voice. It is high pitched and whiny and I really just wish he'd shut up. And I really think celebrity has gone to his head. With all these Tickle Me Elmo dolls he's gotten really cocky. He's got his own Elmo's World segment (I'll get to that later) and he even seems to get a lot of the celebrity interviews. It's just not right. Elmo, I think you need to go away and let the other characters shine. Whatever happened to Snuffeluffagus? Now that guy was cool.

Second, the deplorable way they treat Mr. Noodle. You have an older man who comes onto the show during the Elmo's World segment to teach children how to do things. This is an older man who has given up any chance at being cool so he can help children. And what do they do? They mock him and they laugh at him when he fails. He's really trying, people. He's done more to help kids than Tickle Me Emo has ever done (as a side note, google Tickle Me Emo and watch the MadTV spoof. It's great). Primadonnas like Elmo should be nicer to Mr. Noodle before he remembers his real name and gets a job where people will respect him.

I have to say, though, that while I have a few issues with Seseme Street, it's not as bad as Barney. I've always wondered who the creap is in the purple suit. **Shudder**


Rhia Jean said...

Hey! I like Elmo! And Mr. Noodle. I do have to admit that Sesame Street is getting a little mixed up with their morals and ethics though. The last time I watched it was Trisha Yearwood and Garth Brooks singing a song about how you should only do nice things for others if they do nice things for you. I haven't watched it since.

Alison said...

I hate Elmo for the voice too. Elmo is the ADD kid that isn't on meds because his mother thinks that caffeine will medicate him enough or the herbal remedies will be gentler on his system. Really, it just makes me want to smother Elmo in the middle of the night.

And let's face it, Sesame Street just isn't the quality programming it use to be in the 80's. sigh.

Emily Anne said...

I think Snuffy got sick and died, to teach kids about death. Sesame Street isn't my favorite, but Will likes it, and he likes Elmo. I think Elmo's cute. If you guys get the chance, check out the kids show Word World. It's awsome. All the animals and everything are made from words. Ok, I'll blog about it because it doesn't make sense without pictures.