Thursday, July 17, 2008

Why you should marry (or be friends with) a nerd

In school and a bit of my adult life I've avoided the nerd/geek/dork persona and worked towards not finding myself in that class of people. What I've learned is it's easier to be yourself. If you try to be someone else, you may end up being no one. While you should avoid being eccentric, it's okay to be eclectic. So these are some of the reasons it's okay to be, marry, or befriend a nerd (or dork or geek).

  1. Nerds make more money.
  2. Nerds are very loyal.
  3. Nerds may not have a million friends but they are very close to those friends they have.
  4. Nerds are a lot more interesting than some of the "popular" people.
  5. Nerds often have mad skills. Like using num chucks or training horses. :P
  6. Nerds can teach you how to use your iPod. Or blog.
  7. A nerd won't judge you for going to the Renaissance Fair, Shakespeare in the Park, or the New Kids on the Block Concert.
  8. Nerds love the same books you do.
  9. Nerds love the same movies you do.
  10. A nerd will let you cry on their shoulder.

So, embrace your inner geek, dare to be a nerd, care enough to be a dork because we all have those moments. And if you want to know the truth: when I was in elementary school, way back when, I realized pretty soon that while the "cool" kids may have picked on the nerds and loners, they were also pretty mean to each other. I realized that if I ever made it into the cool category of people I would always have to fight to be there, and I'd never quite feel free to be myself. I'm not afraid to be who I am now, and that's pretty cool.


Emily Anne said...

I am proud of my choice to marry a nerd. I have always been dorky and was picked on for it. I embraced my inner dork during my junior year of high school and was much happier. My happiness was greatly helped by changing schools. I was very unhappy in my first high school because nobody liked Emily the dork. In my second high school Emily the dork was loved and appreciated. That made all the difference. It is difficult to be youself when you can't find wierdo like you in your social circle.

Rhia Jean said...

I'll have you know that I am the secretary for D.O.A. (Dorks of America)...ask Em, she's the president. I also have a t-shirt that says "I heart Nerds" and I wear it often and I wear it proudly. Nerdy is the new cool. Huzzah for nerds!!!!

Alison said...

You're right. Nerds are more interesting. How sad for the "cool" people--confined to a world of mediocre conversation. I almost feel bad for them. ;)

I aspire to marry a nerd. Life would be more fun--plus that's what I'm attracted to, so . . . there you go.

Long live the nerds!

K2 said...

I love being a nerd..its who I am.