Saturday, June 21, 2008

Recurring Dreams

Okay, first off, I was a bit harsh with Emily on the last blog, so I'm sorry about that. She's taken care of the mean hubby.

And on to my topic. Through my life I've had several recurring dreams. Some have gone away, some come back to visit sometimes. I wondered if anyone else has had similar ones, or have some of their own to share.

  • People talk about naked dreams. You show up at school, or another public place, naked. I don't think I've ever had one of those. I used to get barefoot dreams. I'd be at school with no shoes on, and I'd freak out. Looking back, I think it stemmed from keeping my shoes on most the time. I'd come home from school and keep the shoes. I wouldn't walk around barefoot a lot. I'd even sleep with my socks on. I've gotten past that. I wear sandals and I go to bed sockless. Unless it's cold, then I keep the socks, but I often change them so they aren't too grungy.
  • One that used to really freak me out was one I had all the time. I would be lying in the road and a car would be coming towards me. I'd try to get up and crawl from the road, but I would never have the energy to do it. Of course you always wake up at the last minute, but freaky!
  • Another one would put me in this white room and the walls would be closing in. This one was unique because my younger sister, Stacie, would be there with me. The mental picture that I have with this one is her standing behind me as the wall comes towards us. Again, I always wake up before getting crushed. Another unique part of this dream was it was the first one I stopped by "finishing it". When I was awake, I'd visualize me holding this gun (I was young okay) and I'd fire it at the door, making it go back. Fire enough times and we'd be okay. It's kind of cool I figured that one out at such a young age.
  • One I still get is the one where you have to use the restroom and can't find one. These can be longer dreams. I'll search and search for a restroom to use and never find one, or if I did, it would be to gross to use. On rare occasions I find one, but as much as I go, the pressure doesn't relieve. Which is a good thing, because this dreams I really need to go to the restroom, and I suppose if I did feel relieved, I would have to change the sheets.

So anyway, that's what I've got for now. You?


Emily Anne said...

I had a reocurring dream when I was in elementary and middle school. My ceiling fan in my bedroom looked like it was going to fall down at any time. It looked like that for years. I used to dream that it did fall down, but was still spinning and it would chase my family and cut us up into little pieces. My mom would always sew us back together, but it still scared me. In the same dream, my friend Julie's parents would die in a car crash and she would come live with us and be my sister. Guess I have always wanted a sister.

In dreams, I always find a bathroom and get to pee, unlike Matt, but I always have to pee over and over again until I wake up. I don't dream about bathrooms that I can't use, and I have never had to change the sheets after peeing in my dream. The end.

Alison said...

Bathroom dreams. I've had looooots of those. They're miserable. Ugh.

Rhia Jean said...

I've never had recurring dreams. I guess that means that I am psychologically stable. Or maybe I'm unstable since everyone else has recurring dreams and I don't. Hmmm....