Monday, June 9, 2008

The Host, by Stephenie Meyer

I finished this novel at about four in the morning, and I HAD to stay up to finish it. I pretty much guessed the ending with 100 or so pages left, but you know that little doubt that maybe it will go different, that the author is leading you one way just to snatch you back? Yeah, I had to go to the ending. And did I cry.


But I wanted to.

This book was a good scifi novel. I know that people have a hard time getting into the genre if they're not already a fan, but this is good because it's about people and their relations and emotions first, set in a world that forces them to deal with these emotions. Confusing? Well, I don't want to give too much away to the maybe one person who reads my blog that hasn't finished yet.

Okay, let me give you the break down. I think I liked The Host more than the Twilight Novels. I liked the story, its climax, and resolution better. It was fun and interesting. Not to say I dislike the Twilight books, I really like them. This, to me, was just better.

A few things I've noticed about Stephenie Meyer:
  • She loves exploring the dual natures of women, and yes, women have dual natures. She does this by having two guys in love with the same woman, guys that are very different from each other, forcing the main woman to have to decide which side of their personality to trust.
  • She loves Arizona and the Pacific Northwest.
  • She rambles. All four books had significant boring sections that could have been cut entirely, or at least shortened to keep the dialog moving. I'm not saying all the emotional stuff bores me, I just think she could work on speeding up the narrative at points. She has enough interesting stuff that she could cut some of the introspection.

Okay, that's it. Loved the novel. Looking forward to Breaking Dawn.


Rhia Jean said...

A most excellent book...I agree.

Alison said...

I finished! Hurrah! :) It was very good, but I have to admit, I didn't really get into my page-turning mode until almost the end. Yes, she majorly rambles . . . a lot. I totally agree. My sister and I were talking about that this past week. But I still love Stephenie. :)

Ok, bye.