Friday, May 9, 2008

More things you may not know about me

I hadn't been married long when Cake came to KC. I didn't know them too well, but got tickets because Emily loved them. I copied the CDs she had and listened to them over and over, even while driving to the concert, so I'd know their songs. It was a fun concert, even though quite a few people were smoking joints and we got contact highs. I swear we had the munchies after the concert. And Emily was pregnant. Will seems okay.

I can't maintain a constant speed on the highway to save my life without using cruise control.

I can't fake interest in something. Whey I try, people know I don't care about what they're saying. I guess it means I'm not fake, but I think it comes off as rude sometimes.

I feel like I always have to accomplish something. When reading, though I enjoy it, I feel like it isn't just for enjoyment. It's to expand myself as well. Everything I do is for some end, not just enjoyment. Even watching DVDs, I do it to accomplish the season or the movie, to learn, or to say that I've seen it.

I want to read everything. I want to have a large private library in my own and be able to give you a mini review of every book I've read, just form memory. And not seem snobbish about it.

I love pipe organ music.

I miss taking long drives.

When I pass wind, I have to say "excuse me", even if no one is around.

If you want to know how I am with friends and life in general, read the last short story in Charles de Lint's Dreams Underfoot, titled "Tallulah". It's pretty accurate. Except for the drugs and sex, that is.


Rhia Jean said...

I heart Cake!!!! I totally totally heart them! My friend was just asking me tonight, "What is the song that is played in the opening credits of Chuck?" Easy...Short Skirt Long Jacket. It's the same one that is played on the menu screen of Orange County, not to be confused with Shadow Stabbing which is what is played on the opening credits of Orange County...which is my most favoritist Cake song by the way. Hmmm...I'm not obsessive am I?

R Matthew Ware said...

I love Cake now, by the way. Em's ring tone for me while we were dating was I Want to Love You Madly.

I like Shaddow Stabbing (though I don't know why that's the name of the song) and I really like Short Skirt Long Jacket.