Sunday, April 20, 2008

Things I wish I could do at work to annoy people

Learn Spanish and then refuse to translate for the nurses (because they really should be using the language line).

Stick my tonuge out at the people waiting in line (while they're obviously healthy children are running around and playing) 45 minutes before we open.

Play my music loud enough to drown out the winers.

Tell people what I think of them.

Refuse to help people who are lazy, rude, and lie about us (us being admitting).

Answer stupid questions with stupid answers.

Ask people if they need to go back to training.

Ask people if I can "walk them through that".

Tell bossy people that they are on too low a pay grade to tell me what to do.

Tell people to find a ladder and look me in the eye when they're talking to me.

Answer everything with "your mom" (ie: your mom needs to bring me those consent forms).

PS: I swear I was in a really good mood to start the day. And now that I've vented, I feel better. Now I just hope my supervisors don't read my blog.


Emily Anne said...

Your last day at work you can do those things. I think asking if you can walk someone through something can be polite, if done the right way :)

Alison said...

I love the ladder one and the "your mom" one. hehe.

And you know how people say "There are never stupid questions, only stupid answers." That is a BIG FAT LIE! Anyone who has ever worked with the public or in a school knows that yes, there are in fact very STUPID questions.

I hope your next work day is better.

Rhia Jean said...

Sometimes it's just nice to have a place in our head that we can go and say all the things we REALLY want to say and there are no repercussions. I visit that place more often than I would like to admit...