Sunday, April 6, 2008

That's Flatchtastic!

This is what I say when I or someone around me has a particularly impressive bout of gas, either top or bottom. The root word is obviously flatulance, and it took several tries to get the word right, but I'm impressed.

Yes, I'm a boy sometimes.

A coworker calls it having frogs. Now her 3-year-old son tells his mom he has a frog, and that she should say hello to it. So it's not just boys.

Are girls as bad about these sorts of things?


Alison said...

My best friend's mother calls farting . . . wait for it . . . "barking spiders." :D Oh, I love it!

Rhia Jean said...

Nice word making skills! I hate it when people call it "fluffing". It's not fluffy people!!!!

Emily Anne said...

Matt used to blame it on the penguins. We all know there are no penguins under my bed. Maybe under the couch, but not the bed.