Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Pictures from The Dark Knight

Batman realizes that the next version of the batsuit needs to come equipped with a cup.

The Breakfast Club is in trouble again. And at least two of them showed up to detention in bat suits. Weird.
Call me a dork, but a computer system like this would be cool. Until it crashed.
Wasn't this scene from Shakespeare?
I can see the wire. I thought bats could fly. Though seriously, I've always loved Batman because he's a superhero with no super powers. Unless being stinking rich is a super power.
Heath Ledger does not look impressed.
I surrender...to...myself? But Batman carrying an assault rifle is kind of cool.
Good thing he's in that batsuit. The insurance companies would have a field day with this.
Good. No nipple suit. We know this movie won't suck. Just don't call George Clooney.
Hey, my face often looks like that when I'm vandalizing something too.
The Batcycle. Ooh. Aah.
Um, this is a repeat pic. Not sure how that happened. Not sure how to fix it either.
Hey, don't make fun of my running mascara. At least I'm not a gay cowboy this time. "Not that there's anything wrong with that."
I'm rich, good looking, and I'm Batman. Eat that, whoever I'm talking to.
Oh, and I have a British butler.
The thing about Batman is he doesn't really have this thing about not hitting the bad guy. If you're bad, you're going to get hit. I watched Batman Returns recently, and I noticed that Michael Keaton blew one of the bad guys up. Awesome.
Yeah, I can afford an iPhone. That's because I'm Bruce Wayne, and I'm a billionaire. I can even afford to have the battery changed.
Don't kill her, Joker! They fixed the one screw up of the first movie. They got rid of Katie Holmes and replaced her with Maggie Gyllenhaal.
We got the batsuit back from the cleaners. They mentioned you signed 'Batman' again. You really should be more careful about this secret identity thing. Oh, and they mentioned something about a nipple suit?

The Dark Knight opens July 18, 2008. Just after my birthday. Happy birthday to me.


Emily Anne said...

Honey, you are kind of a nerd. Oh, and the nipple suit joke is only funny once. Love you.

R Matthew Ware said...

Hey, the nipple suit joke is always funny.

K2 said...

I can't wait for this movie! It is going to rock. Love you guys!

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