Thursday, August 2, 2007

2007 TV Schedule

Here are some of the shows I'm going to check out next month.

Season Premiere September 25th at 7pm central on CBS

This show is about the Navy's version of CSI, only I like the characters better.
Bionic Woman
Season Premiere September 26th at 8pm central on NBC

Here is a revamp of a classic series. The question: Will the network be able to make this show, well, not stupid? The good news: It's not on Fox. The bad news: It's on NBC. Being the scifi fan that I am, I hoping it makes it.

Thursdays at 8:30pm central on NBC

I believe this is the seventh season of this show, so its time might almost be up. I've been catching up on the series recently, and I love it.

New Amsterdam
Season Premiere September 25th at 7pm central on Fox

John Amsterdam was a Dutch soldier that came to America in 1642 and visited what was then New Amsterdam, and what is now New York City. He saved some Indian chick's life and she granted him immortality until he finds true love. So, what does he do now? He's a detective. I think it might be good, so I'll check it out. Since it's on Fox, I better do it fast because you never know how long it will stay around.

Wednesdays at 8 central on Fox

Miracle of miracles, this is a good show that has made it on Fox. Heading for its third season, the show hasn't gotten tired. The one difficulty is that when American Idol starts its hard to figure out when to tune in for the show.

The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Starts Sundays in 2008 at 8pm central on Fox

This takes place after Terminator 2. That's a plus. It's on Fox. That's a minus. It's a mid-season replacement. That's a minus. It stars Summer Glau, who I love, but was on Firefly, which I loved, but is also a minus (anyone remember Fox's Drive with Nathan Fillion? Yeah.)

That said, This is probably the one new show I'm most excited about. I like the idea, I like at least one of the cast members (Glau), I just hope Fox doesn't screw it up the way they have many other shows. We'll have to wait and see.

I didn't include any cable shows because I don't have cable. Sure, I'd like to watch the Dresden Files, Battlestar Galactic, and the various incarnations of Stargate, but I'll just have to wait for them on DVD.

Also, Smallville got bumped from my viewing schedule last year because it started to really suck. I might have to check it out again this year. It's entering it's seventh season, so it might be the last.


anne said...

Hey, I got here via hatrack. We seem to have similar tastes in shows. And, yeah, I don't have cable either. I do have netflix, though, which I use to get my fix on my favorite t.v. shows, though obviously you're about a year behind everyone else. Yeah, Smallville really sucks now. It lost a lot of the charm it once had.
Oh, and have you ever watched Lost? That's another show I like, though I watch it on dvd since I can't keep up with it on t.v. Heroes seems to be really popular too, though I;ve only watched a couple episodes. it's one of those involved shows, I think.

R Matthew Ware said...

I watched the first episode of Lost. It was too intense for me so I didn't go any further. I think when the guy got sucked into the jet engine, blowing it up, that was enough for me.

I also watched the first couple episodes of Heroes. I liked it over all, but the constant dubbing for the Japanese guys got annoying. I think I'll try it again since I like comic-themed series/movies, and it looks like NBC might not actually screw up the series.

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.