Monday, April 28, 2008

I am not a committee

Someone really smart once said that a committee of three is the perfect size to get something done if two of their members are absent.

Princess Leia said, "I am not a committee!"

It seems the more people involved in fixing something, either the longer it takes to get done, or the worse it becomes. Our hospital is changing to a new computer system. They've spent several years working on it and probably millions of dollars. After all that, it doesn't work.

So tonight there's an issue with the printer printing out patient registration information when it shouldn't. It's not a huge issue, except that it wastes a lot of paper. So we have three IT people working on the problem, they keep coming to discuss it with us and what we think is going wrong, I'm sure they're talking to the doctors and nurses and asking for their input, and some of the other registration people who apparently haven't figured out that they have jobs they're not doing keep talking about what they think the problem is.


We spent a lot of money on this system. We pay IT people to make it work. Between them, they should be fixing it. We shouldn't be involved. The more that they try to get people involved, the more screwed up things seem to get.

Here's the solution. Find someone with a brain and pay them to fix it. Consult as few people as possible in fixing it.

And while we're on the issue, us peons in admitting were only trained on how to do our job. We weren't trained to do the nurse part, the doctor part, or the check in part. We weren't trained (and it's not our job) to discharge patients. So stop coming to us when your computer doesn't work. Don't ask us if you don't know how to do your job.

I need a couple days off. Glad I get them :)

Wednesday we're going to the zoo, and Wednesday night I have my sleep study. Hurray!


Emily Anne said...

I love you, am sorry people suck, and am excited about going to the Zoo.

Rhia Jean said...

Funny. In education, they don't DARE ask the teachers what they think the problem is. Nor do they DARE ask them to try and figure it out on their own. We are like little kids with the remote control. When we call about a problem, they get there as soon as they can so we don't screw it up even more. We can't even stay up to date with what they give us. This teacher came in to me the other day with some kind of extra thick floppy disk and was all a flutter because we don't have computers that take those anymore. I wouldn't trust us either. Anyways, have fun at the zoo.

Alison said...

Unfortunately, I know more about how to run our technology at school then our IT person on campus (people are consistently asking me to fix their stuff). I really should think about doing the whole instructional technology thing (which is what we call our IT people on campus as they teach teachers how to use their technology and help them with trouble shooting problems). But you're right, just let the people hired to do it, get it done. Gee.

R Matthew Ware said...

We started a new program last week and I couldn't log in the first day. It turned out that someone screwed up when putting my name in the system. I called the help desk and told them I couldn't log in to FirstNet, and they said, "What's FirstNet?" Sometimes I have to be very patient. Sometimes I'm glad I'm on the phone and they can't see my face.

K2 said...

I totally agree. I don't have the IT degree..YOU DO!! So fix it!