Wednesday, April 2, 2008

And the winner is...Emily!

Emily won our game of find the smell. Her prize was a can of used
grease that had started to mold.

In other news, I fixed our bed and planted our bushes. Why can't a
day off ever be one of leisure? I swear, I miss that whole "day of
rest" idea.

And here's a picture of our winner:


Rhia Jean said...

Yay for Emily! You shouldn't let her beat you at this game too often you know. I mean, in some games, it's good to not show off your talents and make other people feel bad that they lost, but this is not one of those games.

Alison said...

Hurah for Emily! And how gross that grease was molding. :P I didn't even know that was possible!

Emily Anne said...

Some of the grease was still liquid. I have learned if you don't freeze your grease can while continuing to use it it will stink. However I couldn't find the can for a couple of days because it was hiding behind the candle on the microwave.

R Matthew Ware said...

I was about to pull out everything and deep clean. Then Emily came out with the can and told me she found the smell. So, the deep cleansing has been put off for now. It's amazing when you have a busy life what things get put off. There's a file of things you have to do, things you'd like to do, and things that just don't need doing.