Friday, March 7, 2008


Inspired by two fellow bloggers' posts on their OCD, I will reveal mine as well.

I touch things. A lot. Usually glass surfaces work the best, like my computer monitor (is that why it's dirty?), my windshield, rearview mirror, iPod, and iPhone. Only the last one is really a problem. With the wonderful touchscreen, the iPhone doesn't want to be randomly touched.

Not only do I go back many times to see if anyone has commented on my blogs, I go back to see if my friends have responded to the comments I placed on their blogs. How sick is that? It's not a needy thing, it's just curiosity.

I try to keep my books organized by size. I thought that having them by author or genre would be more intelligent, but it's aesthetically pleasing. I thought it weird until both Rhia and Alison remarked on their blogs that they did the same.

I always wash my dishes the same way. I fill the basin, then put large plates, small plates, and bowls in the corner. Then I fit baby bottles and stuff around that. I leave the glasses and cups out, but fill them with soapy water. One special glass is the utensil holder. This isn't so much an OCD thing as a I don't like to be cut or poked by forks and knives. Though it doesn't explain why the spoons have to be in the cup too.

I look at random spots in the room. I don't know why. Sometimes it bugs people. Trust me, it bugs me too.

I count things. I count the number of letters in a word or sentence.

I say colors. Right now the cabinets above my workstation are purple and white. Purple and white. Purple and white. It bugs me when there's something in my line of vision that doesn't have an easily definable color.

I used to be an email checker, but now my emails all come to my iPhone and it vibrates (woo-hoo) when I get a new one. But I guess that hasn't really stopped me from checking it.

I save emails from people I like as proof that they like me. I don't really think that works with gmail, at least I haven't figured it out. I only changed because hotmail doesn't work well with the email feature on my phone.

When we first got our iPhones my wife and I would refer to them as iPhones and not just "the phone" or "the cell phone". One day I realized we were doing it and told my wife we should stop, that it sounded a little pretentious.

That's it for now.


Emily Anne said...

I didn't know about the color thing. I think you are wierd! Ok, not really. I think its interesting. Does that make me wierd?

Alison said...

I could see why calling your phone an "iPhone" all the time would be a little pretentious, but I think I would forgive you for it, because it would be very exciting to have an iPhone and it only seems natural to want to remind yourself over and over again that you actually have one. :)

Rhia Jean said...

I too save e-mails from people that I like as proof that they like me. But then if I get mad at them, I go through my e-mails and delete their messages in order to retaliate. I suppose it's not really retaliation since they don't know that I did it. And they probably don't care either. It makes me feel better though.

K2 said...

I knew that I wasn't crazy! I like my books by size too! But I don't have to count things. I think that most of us have some type of OCD in our lives.