Saturday, March 15, 2008

Are you mocking me?

Emily has been sick for...let's see...since we got married? Well at least the last several weeks. In that time she has destroyed a rain forest worth of puffs (kleenex isn't allowed in the house, yet we still call them that). With all these tissues floating around, Will has decided he doesn't want to be left out. So, I often find him carrying around his own kleenex, which he loves to carry while holding it to his nose, just like mommy. Today, to my amusement, and Emily's dismay, Will came to us while we were sitting on the couch and held a tissue to his nose and starting blowing raspberries into it to imitate Emily blowing her nose. It was hilarious. Emily thought it was funny too until I told her I'd blog about it.

Children. I highly recommend them.

1 comment:

Emily Anne said...

I want to set the record straight. I am only sic once a season, not all the time as Matt says. I do think we need to buy stock in whatever company owns Puffs because we always seem to be buying more.